Terms of Use
This tool is provided as-is. We are not responsible for any loss / damage which results from its usage.
Basic Membership Terms
Basic membership includes the ability to add content which is publicly visible. By creating public content you agree that:
- This content is in the public domain
- Any third party is free to use this content for any purpose
- Content can be used with or without crediting the original creator(s)
Pieces of public content generally represent the work of a variety members because public content can be freely mixed together
to make new content.
Pro Membership Terms
Basic Membership Terms apply.
Pro members can create private content.
This content may be a derivative work of existing content created by another member of this site.
Private content falls under the ownership of the member, however, even after deletion by the member content
may be retained in this website's archives.
This is a friendly place to learn to code, experiment and build. As such, any abusive behaviour towards members or website staff
will not be tolerated.
Any discussions must be on-topic, and arguments or disputes arising elsewhere on the internet are not allowed here. This is a welcome
place for anyone whatever their attributes, background, opinions or beliefs.